Welcome to OT Research Corner!


Hello and welcome to otresearchcorner.com! I am Turquessa, an occupational therapist with 20 years of experience in a variety of settings. I have worked in school systems, home care, nursing homes, acute care hospitals, and subacute care facilities. In addition to my love of occupational therapy, I also enjoy research!

While most people’s eyes glaze over when the subject of research is brought up, I perk up! I hope to use my love of research to curate this blog to present research to students, clinicians and researchers to provide optimal clinical care in all areas of occupational therapy practice. I want this to be a place where research outcomes can be provided in a manner that guides intervention the very next day in your clinical setting (Translation: I read the research, so you do not have to)!

In addition to research, my blog will include a variety of resources for occupational therapy educators. This includes items such as case studies, journal club material, fiction, and nonfiction books that can be used to guide lessons and teaching strategies.

Finally, I want to use this blog as a space to present ways of maintaining occupational balance. So, I will also provide resources that may not be directly related to occupational therapy research but goes a long way in cultivating occupational balance–such as book reviews and recommendations, and recipes to name a few, all which can refill your cup to…read research.

Please follow me on Instagram and Twitter for more information on this wonderful profession.

I hope you will stay a while in my OT Research Corner!


*All thoughts and opinions are my own and do not represent my employer.*

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