Ending the week on a positive note…

With May being Mental Health Awareness Month and Stroke Awareness month, I have provided a wealth of resources in these two areas, in addition to resources for home care occupational therapy, AOTA and AOTF webinars, and more!

These stories have helped my week end on a positive note.

Occupational therapy

13-year-old Cedar Rapids girl excited to go home after recovering from stroke (kcrg.com) Touching story of a 13-year old girl who had a stroke and the role of occupational therapy in her recovery process. It is interesting to see the unique ways the occupational therapist uses activities to get this young girl back to her occupations.

NAMI Walks (namiwalks.org) Join a NAMI Walk event in your state on May 22! This spring, all roads lead to NAMIWalks Your Way: A United Day of Hope with the destination as always being Mental Health for All. Many events will coincide on May 22, 2021.

Special Events and Webinars (aotf.org): Authentic Stakeholder Participation in Research. June 22, 2021 6-8p. All proceeds will support the AOTF Intervention Research Grant Program, a unique seed funding opportunity for OT for the collection of data from pilot research. Learn and help fund others develop research!

Summer Webinar Series – AOTA In depth webinars on the following topics: Private Practice Essentials, OT Inventors Showcase, and Knowledge Translation—with topics such as stroke survivors and their caregivers and preventing adverse events in post-acute care.

New favorite home care resource: Links – EquipMeOT The quality and ideas from this home care therapist is *unreal*. Home care therapy can be very difficult due to the limited budgets of the clients. Lindsay has *many* unique, low-cost alternatives to expensive DME…. like a plastic bag that can be used as a compression stocking aid.


Barriers and Facilitators to Public Transportation Use for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: Vol 37, No 1 (tandfonline.com) Independence with navigating public transportation with the ID/DD population has always been an area of interest from a functional literacy standpoint. Interesting results that can definitely be used in practice.

An Integrative Review of Sensory Approaches in Adult Inpatient Mental Health: Implications for Occupational Therapy in Prison-Based Mental Health Services: Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: Vol 37, No 2 (tandfonline.com) The use of occupational therapy in the prison system is a practice area that is growing. However, there are many who believe that the role of OT is to facilitate employment, which is a limited viewpoint. This is a fascinating article on sensory approaches with prison-based mental health services that expands the understanding of the role of OT with this population.

Sleep Habits and Routines of Individuals Diagnosed with Mental and/or Substance-Use Disorders: Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: Vol 37, No 2 (tandfonline.com) Researchers found that there were sleep issues with 78% of the participants in this study. There were also promising findings of the effectiveness of strategies implemented by occupational therapy practitioners to address sleep routines and habits.

List of issues Occupational Therapy in Mental Health (tandfonline.com) This journal is a great resource for occupational therapy research in mental health.

Occupational Therapy Interventions for Adults With Stroke | American Journal of Occupational Therapy (aota.org) I always give this article a read when I want to a refresher on the best practices for stroke intervention.


What Are We Learning about Literacy from the Pandemic? – Children’s Literacy Foundation (clifonline.org) This site always has *amazing* literacy resources that are always timely!

The Other Side of Languishing Is Flourishing. Here’s How to Get There. – The New York Times (nytimes.com) Seven simple steps to get you thriving again post-COVID.

Why We Feel Exhausted And Irritable And Lack Focus During The Pandemic : Shots – Health News : NPR  If your brain feels foggy and you’re tired all the time, you’re not alone and how to get out of that rut.

How Food Affects Mental Health – The New York Times (nytimes.com) Reminds me of a great book I just read! I do see a difference when I have a more balanced day of eating.

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